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Bay Area Harerian Discussion Group
"Afocha" Split
Published on July 28, 2004 By
Here you may have your say if and ony if you have knowledge of what has transpired before the split of the "Afocha" and what ideas you may have to unit the two.
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Comments (Page 3)
6 Pages
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Harari
Date: 28 Jun 2004
Time: 14:35:01
Ignite, for the most part, you are right. But if we use a little bit of common sense, do not you think, it is the responsibly of the leaders to act on our behalf to do the right thing? When we talk community matter, the right thing means 1, Obligation & performing according to our charter 2, Listen to the members & respond to their concern 3, Most importantly, to work towards bringing all Hararis closer. Correct me if I am wrong. We are where we are today because of these Leaders' negligence of the issue. I don’t why a very basic but vital request became complex issue! What should we do with kind of leaders (Both Afochas leaders)???
Last changed: June 28, 2004
your community
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: your community
Date: 27 Jun 2004
Time: 12:52:24
Ignite, I want you to go back and re-read what I had writen. and let's see who is missing the point. Once again as I have said, there is no othere way out other than forming a forum. This is how it is done here in the US.
Last changed: June 27, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 27 Jun 2004
Time: 22:48:09
I did read what you wrote. I am correct in saying, “you are missing the point.” Your response to my post is not really a response to my points, rather a repetition of all that I have read on this forum, from the start to present. If I had to tell it like it is, I would say your response is full of insinuations, name calling and finger pointing. Last but not least, the “tone” of your response is also argumentative and combative, which doesn’t promote a civil exchange of ideas and opinions.
Your community
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Your community
Date: 28 Jun 2004
Time: 22:57:01
Ignite, whatever you say it is your opinion and I respect that. It is also our cultures to pass judgment on some one so promptly. It got so plunge into our system and we can’t even help it. Am I right or wrong? I’m pretty sure you know the answer to this. Anyhow, it seems like you don’t deem in creating forum. If so, what are you for? Let me jog your memory a bit. Brother Mohammed Mulat had invited all harries who reside here in the bay area just to get to the bottom of this issue. And here is my question to you. How many of us had replied to his invitation? Let me just leave it this way and you do the rest of reading. It is very simple, just go back and read how the situation had come to a complete halt. Finally, I want you to know that this discussion form is a communication channel too. Just like you and I are writing back and forth, others (who are responsible for this whole mess from both side) would be able to do it too. It is a very simple task and all they have to do is just strike the keyboard. This is as simple as it get. Please note that this is just my opinion and I want others to respect my opinion as I do theirs. And also I’m not trying to offend any one. If I offended any one, I ask for forgiveness.
Last changed: June 28, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 29 Jun 2004
Time: 18:00:34
Once again I think you are not getting my point. I am not saying the forum isn’t necessary, instead I am saying that it hasn’t been fruitful till now. That is why I am suggesting that those who are really concerned from both afochas should actively work within their afochas to highlight the issues first. If there are consensus to move forward then the two sides will get together to address their problems. All I am saying is, you don’t keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Last changed: June 29, 2004
your community
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: your community
Date: 01 Jul 2004
Time: 23:42:27
Ignite; your message is loud and clear. However there is one problem why you and I have failed to communicate well. Because others and I have passed segment one and you’re still in chapter one. This means you’re still at the beginging of the issue. What you’re saying had been already attempted and both elected AFOCHAs had botched to implement their duties. How we’re going to get to the bottom of it? Allah knows.
Last changed: July 01, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 02 Jul 2004
Time: 18:10:30
Since you don’t know my Identity it is very presumptuous of you, when you say, “others and I have passed segment one and you’re still in chapter one.” You may very well be surprised to know that you and I might be on the same page. I know all about past failures and current failure with regards to this forum, that is why I am an advocate for change as to how best to approach the issues. Believe me! I am not dismissive of this forum.
Last changed: July 02, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 02 Jul 2004
Time: 18:08:20
Since you don’t know my Identity it is very presumptuous of you, when you say, “others and I have passed segment one and you’re still in chapter one.” You may very well be surprised to know that you and I might be on the same page. I know all about past failures and current failure with regards to this forum, that is why I am an advocate for change as to how best to approach the issues. Believe me! I am not dismissive of this forum.
Last changed: July 02, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 04 Jul 2004
Time: 20:58:45
Just want to let you know that what I was expressing weren’t just opinions but facts as concisely expressed in your own writing. I used these words (Insinuations, Name-calling, Finger pointing, Argumentative and combative) as a synopsis to best describe the “tone” of your post. I didn’t pull these words out of the thin air, they are, in one form or another, found in your writing. Let me break them down for you! It is Insinuation when you said “Let’s look at our selves before pointing our fingers to some one else,” Here you are implying or alleging something. Are you saying I am guilty of something? It is Name-calling when you said “So, you’re the igniter who ignites the ignition with out any clue” Here you are definitely calling me an idiot, because only idiot and lunatic people do things without any clues as to why they do them. It is Finger pointing when you said “Let me ask you this, would you please tell me if our elected officials have taken any kind (if there is one) action since this issue has started. I doubt it.” Here you are saying it isn’t your fault but theirs. It is Argumentative and combative when you said “Ignite, I want you to go back and re-read what I had writen and let's see who is missing the point.” “This is how it is done here in the US.” Here you are not only implying I can’t comprehend what I read but also implying that I haven’t a clue as to how things are done here in the US. You are definitely picking a fight or provoking me to respond in a negative manner.
Last changed: July 04, 2004
Your community
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Your community
Date: 05 Jul 2004
Time: 22:23:17
Go on whoever you’re. You can utter whatever in your brainpower. I seize it as a liberty of speech despite the fact that you’re not implementing it the right way. I esteem your opinion. Just remember, we’re both stood up for the same goal and it does not coast us a thing. Further than this I have zilch to say.
Last changed: July 05, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
Date: 06 Jul 2004
Time: 18:22:11
When you say "you’re not implementing it the right way" what do you mean? Is is another attack? stick to the issue! no side issues, please!!!
Last changed: July 06, 2004
your community
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: your community
Date: 07 Jul 2004
Time: 17:06:27
Read the intact sentence and try to understand what I meant by “you’re not implementing it the right way”. Don’t ask me an inquiry by just reading half of the sentence. I’m pretty sure that you know what I was trying to say. Please, keep it authentic!!!
Last changed: July 07, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 07 Jul 2004
Time: 17:46:33
Please no more responses, this "thread" has been closed, as far as I am concerned. Check the Thread "Point Proven" posted on 06 Jul 2004.
Last changed: July 07, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: Ignite
Date: 07 Jul 2004
Time: 17:34:09
I Know I can't read!
Last changed: July 07, 2004
nd clarify?
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Telling it like it is!
From: nd clarify?
Date: 25 Jun 2004
Time: 22:00:42
Your community said... "Let’s look at our selves before pointing our fingers to some one else. Don’t you think this is the only avenue to solve our issues with out fearing one another? "Pls make it clear.
Last changed: June 25, 2004
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