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Bay Area Harerian Discussion Group
"Afocha" Split
Published on July 28, 2004 By
Here you may have your say if and ony if you have knowledge of what has transpired before the split of the "Afocha" and what ideas you may have to unit the two.
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your community (Last replay)
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Your Snide Remark is a cover !!!
From: your community (Last replay)
Date: 22 Jul 2004
Time: 17:23:12
This is my last replay! Listen up Mr./ Mrs. First of all; you don’t even know what you’re chatting about. You know why? On you’re last response, you used the word maybe. Do you know what the word maybe means? If not, check it out! This will take care of this part. Another thing; once again; let me jog your memory not to read the word. Please read the whole paragraph and your respond should be based on that and not just on a single word. Again let me highlight the theme of my last response to your declaration. This is what you said “Just look at what has transpired since I posted a question to the web master, everyone and their girlfriends has posted a response.” And this is what I said; “who knows it might be your girlfriend too. Don’t you think what I have stated could be true? It is the fact buddy!!!” So what do you think of that? When I said it is the fact, what I meant was it was also includes your girlfriend too. That is the base line of the story. I wasn’t talking about state of fact or…. I hope you got it now. Lastly, let me give you a bit of advice, practices analyzing short story. Would you? Thanks! Note: We’re all working for common target. After all, we’re all brothers and sisters. Furthermore I want you and others to know that I’m not trying to disconcert or offend anyone. If you and others are offended by what I have said so far, I ask you all for forgiveness. Allah is my witness. Amen!
Last changed: July 22, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Your Snide Remark is a cover !!!
From: Ignite
Date: 22 Jul 2004
Time: 20:12:30
Are you serious in your indignation? 1) You are the one misusing the word “Fact”, not me. 2) When I said “everyone and their girl friends” I didn’t mean it literally but figuratively, it is a figure of speech, it is an expression one uses to mean “everybody who is immaterial, inconsequential or irrelevant”. As for your advice, “practices analyzing short story”, take your own advice!! Just for the record, you said: “Who knows it might be your girlfriend too. Don’t you think what I have stated could be true? It is the fact buddy!!!” …………………………………..Then, I believe, I have the right to point out to you and anyone else, what you have stated is an opinion not a fact. Here Just for you, Fact: 1 : something that has actual existence : a matter of objective reality 2 : any of the circumstances of a case that exist or are alleged to exist in reality : a thing whose actual occurrence or existence is to be determined by the evidence presented at trial. P.S.: Your assertion doesn’t pass the test set by the above definitions and that is a fact. Buddy!!!!
Last changed: July 22, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Here is my own last reply!!
From: Ignite
Date: 23 Jul 2004
Time: 18:11:38
Mr./Ms. “your community”: You have some kind of complex! When I used the expression “Everyone and their girl friend”, all I was trying do was to point out the fact that all responses I have got to that particular thread/post were immaterial/irrelevant. Since my question on that thread/post was directed to the “web master”, then logic dictates the only relevant response should be the one from the web master. It is in that context I used the expression “Everyone and their girl friend”, to mean “everybody immaterial/irrelevant to the task at hand”. You (your community) not only have an erroneous perception of what the word “Fact” means but also lack the sophistication in the English language to differentiate the literal meaning of the “expression” in question from its figurative meaning, as used in my post. If you have had the sophistication in the language, you would have understood its contextual use thereby you wouldn’t have said what you said, about one of them being my girl friend. You would have understood that its use was metaphorical, I wasn’t really saying that your girl friend actually responded to my post. I didn’t want to get personal with you (your community) but when you got personal with me, I couldn't help it but get personal. In other words, when you presume to give me an advise in an area where you have no expertise, as exhibited in your post, or attempt to portray yourself as the most learned while trying to mock me, naturally, I would feel insulted and thus respond in a manner fitting your intent. Be advised, this is nothing personal, If I am pushed, surely, I will push back and push back hard!!
Last changed: July 23, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Need to move ahead!
From: Extinguish
Date: 22 Jul 2004
Time: 21:15:10
I’ve said it, You’ve said it, He has said it, She has said it & We all have said it, NO NEED TO ENGAGE in “Inka-Salamta”. RIGHT? So Why NOW? For what people? Is it to show your superiority? OR, Is it to get the last say? As it is, we are heavily destructed to even think what we really want to achieve in this platform. Some do it deliberately by design, as you may well know; some sadly falls into the trap and kept to go in cycle. Gosh, free yourselves from devils “shay-tan” to think positive. Focus and try to contribute constructive ideas to reach our goal by putting positive energy to the effort being made to benefit all Hararis in the Bay Area. Will you all, please!!! Thank you!
Last changed: July 22, 2004
on Jul 31, 2004
on Jul 31, 2004
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