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Bay Area Harerian Discussion Group
"Afocha" Split
Published on July 28, 2004 By
Here you may have your say if and ony if you have knowledge of what has transpired before the split of the "Afocha" and what ideas you may have to unit the two.
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6 Pages
on Jul 28, 2004
Good idea!
on Jul 28, 2004
I will be active!!
on Jul 29, 2004
what are you waiting for?
on Jul 29, 2004
for more info. Here is a Link
on Jul 30, 2004
FOR SJ1, RETHINK YOUR................
From: Ras M
Date: 24 Apr 2004
Time: 21:10:21
I think SJ1 is a Major “Fluky” himself. He is perhaps clueless of his own aims and goals. I hope he doesn't get mad at me! Initially, SJ1 started out with a great “bang” but the bang failed far shorter than most pleasant expectations. He started out as someone with a "wicked" strategy to unravel the mysteries. But as his strategy began to unfold, in a mind numbing slow pace, it proved to be too much in bravado (A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery) and too little in substance. SJ1: You have mentioned all the principals by name and put forth your inquires to them but so far “we” have seen no response; although one may argue that there has been responses to all your inquires but coming in a form of deafening silence. SJ1: I think you should devise another “wicked” strategy, what do you think? I think you should, but this time, right off the bat, reveal your identity as to encourage people to respond to your inquires. One more thing, retire the word “Fluky” from your future posts. Just being helpful, feel free to tell me to get lost. Till next time, Happy hunting! Note: Before you get your panties in a bunch about the word "wicked", let me say that the word usage is in slang form to mean …Strikingly good, effective, or skillful; not its formal usage which means....Evil by nature and Evil by practice.
Last changed: May 16, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: bahc
From: Ras M
Date: 24 Apr 2004
Time: 21:11:25
I think SJ1 is a Major “Fluky” himself. He is perhaps clueless of his own aims and goals. I hope he doesn't get mad at me! Initially, SJ1 started out with a great “bang” but the bang failed far shorter than most pleasant expectations. He started out as someone with a "wicked" strategy to unravel the mysteries. But as his strategy began to unfold, in a mind numbing slow pace, it proved to be too much in bravado (A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery) and too little in substance. SJ1: You have mentioned all the principals by name and put forth your inquires to them but so far “we” have seen no response; although one may argue that there has been responses to all your inquires but coming in a form of deafening silence. SJ1: I think you should devise another “wicked” strategy, what do you think? I think you should, but this time, right off the bat, reveal your identity as to encourage people to respond to your inquires. One more thing, retire the word “Fluky” from your future posts. Just being helpful, feel free to tell me to get lost. Till next time, Happy hunting! Note: Before you get your panties in a bunch about the word "wicked", let me say that the word usage is in slang form to mean …Strikingly good, effective, or skillful; not its formal usage which means....Evil by nature and Evil by practice.
on Jul 30, 2004
To SJ1: Are you keeping..............
From: Ras M
Date: 12 Apr 2004
Time: 00:02:46
To SJ1: Are you keeping count on responses elicited by your inquiries? Until now, I recall only two individuals responding promptly. Needless to say, we are all anxiously waiting to hear from those you have already mentioned and yet to mention with respect to your inquiry. If circumstances are such that your inquiries are met with deafening silence, I hope you have plans in the pipeline on how to awaken those who are pretending to be sound asleep.
Last changed: May 16, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
a big "thumbs up"
From: Ras M
Date: 11 Apr 2004
Time: 02:34:13
GOOD TO BE BACK, Brother Siraj! you have done well in your attempt to clear your name. I also would like to give a big "thumbs up" for the EXECUTIVE of BAHC for their prompt handling of the matter.
Last changed: May 16, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
From: M. Omar
Date: 07 Apr 2004
Time: 20:49:22
I have been contacted by interested individuals who are responding in kind to my invite however, they informed me that the chosen day (Saturday) will not be convenient for most NCHA members, who would be busy/unavailable for the next few Saturdays. I was told that they would be in rehearsals for an upcoming event. So let us make different arrangement! Please provide me with some input in regards to your availabilities. Thanks. FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL ME WITH ANY INPUT YOU MAY HAVE. MohammedOmar@netscape.com
Last changed: May 10, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Invitation
From: M. Omar
Date: 07 Apr 2004
Time: 16:05:43
I have been contacted by interested individuals who are willing to take me up on the invite but Saturday will not be convenient for NCHA members for they will be busy for the next few Saturdays. I was told that they will be in rehearsals for upcoming event. So let us come to a different arrangement. Please provide some input!!! Thanks. FEEL FREE TO E-MAIL ME WITH ANY INPUT. MohammedOmar@netscape.com
Last changed: May 10, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Invitation!! re: e-mail
From: M. Omar
Date: 06 Apr 2004
Time: 18:01:18
Soory, forgot to leave my e-mail for those of you who may need direction. MohammedOmar@netscape.com
Last changed: May 14, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
From: M. Omar
Date: 06 Apr 2004
Time: 17:49:39
All willing parties are welcomed!! Remember, I don’t have any expectation that “we” are going to solve these problems on a first try. It will require some time and the first step is to break the ice, get together and see where we go from there. I don’t have the magical solution but I am hopeful a good start may lead us somewhere. Look at it this way, just old friends getting together!! The invitation starts this Saturday and will be open for all subsequent Saturdays, of course unless something else comes up. Those who are interested to come and don’t know my address, may e-mail me for direction. Don’t worry I will take care of the cookies!
Last changed: May 10, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Altering course
From: M. Omar
Date: 05 Apr 2004
Time: 18:33:05
To all persons involved in the BAHC Discussion Forum!! Are you REALY interested in addressing the issues CONFRONTING your communities? If so the methods employed by all of you aren’t going to achieve the goals you are seeking. Example: All of you, of course with some exception, are using surrogate names or no names at all but at times you mention individual names, yet nobody knows who you are, if they don't know your identity, why should they respond to your inquires or allegations in kind or seriously? Be sensible! I think the way this discussion is taking place, it is unlikely to produce anything meaningful but further inflames the already volatile issue. Tell me to get lost if you want!! It is time to try something new, which doesn't involve name-calling or assigning undo blame to people. I also believe the entity responsible for the “Discussion Forum” should rethink the usefulness of this forum by evaluating its achievements thus far. MohammedOmar@netscape.com
Last changed: May 10, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
Re: Fluky # 3, here you have it!
From: Ras M
Date: 05 Apr 2004
Time: 18:02:28
Mr. SJ1, are you interested in addressing the issue? If so your methods aren't going to achieve the goals you are seeking. You are mentioning names of individuals, yet nobody knows who you are, if they don't know your identity, why should they respond to your inquires? Be sensible! I think the way this discussion is taking place, it is unlikely to produce anything meaningful but further inflames the already volatile issue. Tell me to get lost if you want!! It is time to try something new, which doesn't involve name-calling or assigning undo blame to people. I also believe the entity responsible for the “Discussion Forum” should rethink the usefulness of this forum by evaluating its achievements thus far. MohammedOmar@netscape.com
Last changed: May 10, 2004
on Jul 30, 2004
“What are the facts”
From: Ras M
Date: 26 Mar 2004
Time: 21:55:36
First, before I answer your“ where is the truth!” question, let me say that you are asking the wrong question. I think you are confusing the word Truth with the word Facts. When asking Where is the truth! Are you expecting an answer? If you were then you would have to wait for eternity, I don’t think you have that kind of time. Maybe you meant to ask, “What are the facts” For there is a difference in meaning between Truth and Facts. Facts: Knowledge or information based on real occurrences. Truth=Reality=actuality: That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence. Too deep, isn’t? Truth is the one and only ultimate reality known only to the almighty not to temporal beings like us that are confined in time. Here are the facts: First started out as a dispute on how the then newly elected executive committee was elected; in other words, some afocha members and some out going committee members raised a procedural issue as to how this new committee was elected. Pay attention here… I am getting to the genesis of the divide. Like I said, objections were raised on procedures used of the election. So why, one may ask, would that be a cause to split the afocha in two, but one may not have the details of what followed. It is said that “the devil is in the details” and conversely, in this case, the details are the functions of egotistical and unrepentant individuals. Here are the details: The procedural issue didn’t split the afocha, what split the afocha was that how, when and where the procedural issue was raised and events that followed. Let me give you a back ground for those of you who really want to understand the issue: 1) All members of the Afocha were assembled to elect new executive committee members. 2) The election committee presented the nominees. 3) The assembled Afocha members as well as the old executive members took part in the vote. Some nominees stated their unwillingness to serve and were excused. The remaining nominees, with out objection, were accepted by all the members, not by casting individual vote for every nominee but by ways of unanimous hand clapping; the election committee asked if there were any objections to any of the nominees and no member objected. 4) The old executive committee transferred all responsibilities and relevant documents to the newly elected executive committee. 5) The all member meeting adjourned. All seemed well at the conclusion of the meeting but few new what was to follow. Because in the periods to follow, some old executive and afocha members got together in a coffee shop, even invited some, not all, of the new executive members to question the legitimacy of the elected committee members, which they played a part in electing. Some member(s) upon learning the purpose of the meeting at the coffee shop, questioned the legitimacy of the meeting and refused to take part. Afterward a general member meeting was called to address this new development. Naturally the new executive members as well as some afocha members felt insulted about this new development. The behavior and temperament of the players on both sides, during this meeting, needless to say, lead the Afochas where they are today. These are facts that no side dare dispute. When I use words like egotistical and unrepentant to describe the people who I call the players, it isn’t meant to insult them but to make a point and most importantly to identify the forces at work. These words (egotistical and unrepentant) symbolize or represent some aspects of the human character and these were the characters that triumphed and lead to the split. Unrepentant: Having or exhibiting no remorse. Egotistical: Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance Those who want to understand and contribute, feel free to engage in a constructive dialogue but those who don’t have anything useful to say, please, you don’t have to get involved. As for my involvement, it is pure of sinister motives. I don’t have a Dog in this fight nor do I have an ax to grind, what I have instead is a desire to put an end to this On-Line drama; maybe, even bury the hatchet once and for all. I know almost all of you guys, at least the old timers. I am sure it is emotionally draining investing all this time and energy on an everlasting On Line drama just so be nasty to each other. I like a good drama as much as the next guy but all good or bad dramas eventually must come to an end. I don’t think it is particularly good for your kids who, at one point or another, are exposed to this On Line drama. You have been at an impasse for a long time on resolving your problem, thus, I have a compromise that not only works but also make both sides equally unhappy because that is the only true and meaning full compromise. Please remember, no useful things to say then say noting at all. Work for compromise!! Below is my real name and e-mail Mohammedomar@netscape.com AKA Ras M
Last changed: May 14, 2004
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